Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"The Beginning of the End "by Robert S. Morton

Genesis 1:1“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:31 “God saw all that he had made and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning- the sixth day.” Well earth isn’t so good anymore and now we don’t go by days. What year is it? Infinite! What’s the date? Whatever you want it to be! That is the mentality of earth now. Now that time travel is possible. But what price must be paid for such a luxury? To explain what I mean I will take you back in my memory. I would say “back in time” but that has lost its kick. Well anyways. Back to what is now referred to as “the beginning.” The year was 2250 A.D. or 1 A.U. depending on how you look at it. A.U. standing for After Upheaval. Interestingly, Au is also the chemical symbol for gold, and people thought they had come upon a golden time. It was on this day that Samuel Alastair of America suddenly announced to the world that he had come about the ability to time travel. He was rather thin and had glasses. He was a rather long and lengthy fellow that no one usually listened to. He was always in his lab conducting experiments of all different kinds of nature. One of such experiments was his new form of cloning. He went through a few dozen lab rats before he finally gave up. Another example of his experiments was that he would create a working thinking animatronic brain that could be used for smarter thinking robots. But when it took him about a year to calculate how many connections there are in the human brain he gave up. Needless to say he had conducted dozens of experiments and all of them were failures. So at first no one believed him and said he was mad. Until a man named Howard Lucas made a statement saying that Samuel did in fact discover time travel. Now this would not have been such a big deal to the people except for the fact that Howard Lucas was a president. Now this fact alone did not make all the people believe. It was the fact that the same president had been assassinated about year ago that convinced them. Now when you can show people an important dead man that is still alive and well people start listening to what you have to say. He told everyone that he had tried to convince them about 30 times before someone told him to show them the president. He went onto say now that he had everyone’s attention he should “leave the resting to rest” and he time traveled on the spot with the president back to the president’s time. After that everything started happening so fast. The next day Samuel was back and he had announced that he would start a new corporate organization called the exchange and that it would bring about a new way of life. Samuel had looked different though he looked rougher and leaner then ever before. But this didn’t matter to the people. Everyone was of course intrigued and wanted to learn more about this “new way of life.” Samuel said that his “new way of life” would abolish starvation and homelessness. It would bring about peace to everyone. People became even more intrigued hearing these things. They would wonder how he could do all these things just with time travel. Well that’s the thing about time travel you can get a lot of stuff done in the blink of an eye. A few weeks later after the official headquarters for the exchange was erected, Samuel announced that the new way of life was here and that he would be holding a world wide press conference to explain it. There only the most revered press was allowed inside. Other masses swarmed outside to look at giant projections of Samuel. In a matter of a month Samuel Alastair became more popular and more important than any world leader ever could have dreamed of and his attitude reflected it. At this televised press conference Samuel stood behind a glass pulpit. He had one of his assistants bring him a bottle of water which he placed on the pulpit. Then he started to explain his “new way of life.” He said that this was taking our general society of land owners and changing the dynamic a little bit. He explained that using time travel people would no longer own plots of land but plots of time. This was very appealing to even the government because the world’s resources were almost all used up and with time travel at their disposal their resources would become almost infinite. He said that this would bring a literal meaning to the term “time is money” being that you would have to buy your time. Then he showed charts of prices in standard currency of different time periods and different amounts of time. Also time periods and places that had already been deemed inhabitable and that would be ready for people to start moving in at their earliest convenience. He continued by stating that through this new form of property the land that people currently owned would no longer be needed by them and could be traded for amounts of time. If this were to be the case for someone then the Exchange would send an appraiser to their home and give an estimate. That estimation would then be deducted from the cost of the amount of time that person would want to buy. He said “The way that someone would sign up to own time is simple, they would meet with one of our representatives and after a deal was settled upon a deed to the time period the customer wanted and a PTTB (personal time traveling bracelet) would be provided. What these deals would include is the time you purchased housing and enough food and water for the time that you have purchased. Now when you lived up the time that you have purchased you will then be teleported back through time to the beginning of your time period thanks to your PTTB. Since this is a new form of time the term used for being sent back to the beginning of your time period will be called a revolution. Also other functions your PTTB are pulse monitor, a revolution counter and a watch. Now the reasoning for the pulse monitor is for reasons of the exchange. If this monitor ever reads zero for every person registered in the purchased time period then a crew of our robotic drones will be sent in to dispose of the dead and correct any alterations to the property. Then the next time period can be prepared. Samuel finally took a drink of water walk out from behind the pulpit sat down on the edge of the stage and said. “Now that all the technicalities are out of the way there will be rules set out for the owners of a PTTB. One that I have already said ‘leave the resting to rest.’ If someone dies do not try to go back into time and change events to save them. Rules number two ‘don’t play with that it’s not a toy’ do not try to tamper with your PTTB. If you take it off at any time you will forfeit your time period. Rule number three ‘keep out’ or ‘auto pilot’ do not travel out of your time period. To give you an old term peoples time period is like someone’s plot of land during the gold rush. If they see you panning their gold or in this case in their time period they can shoot you. Let your PTTB worry about your time you just enjoy using it. After the contract is signed these rules are your only rules. Inside of your own time period you can do whatever you want inside the rules already given.” He finished with “you can sign up as early or as late as you please because time is no longer of the essence.” After the press conference was over there was already a line forming for people wanting to by their time period. In a few weeks time almost everyone had there own significant time zone. Even most of the religious fanatics like Hindus and even some monks bought their own time period. Everyone bought time and few people argued with the time exchange rate. But one stuck out in Alistair’s mind. David B Harlem was pretty well off considering all things. David lived alone in a New York down town apartment. He was in his mid twenties and could already retire on the savings he had made, due to his wise investing on some money that he had inherited from his parent’s death. This was Alistair’s 4 go to guy and he could only afford one weeks time. The reason this was so is because he had invested almost all his money into the exchange thinking that this would be a good investment. Now David had many good reasons to protest. He said he should get an employee discount; he helped turn the Exchange into what it is. The list goes on and on. To make a long drawn out argument short David ended up having to take what was given to him in the trade for his small one bedroom apartment. But in spit the small time he was given he tried to attain happiness. Now he was already used to living alone so that did not bother him and the house that was provided was a lot bigger then his decent sized down town apartment. So David tried to accept the time that was given to him. He did this by doing what he loved to do on his down time. That was painting. David was a talented artist. He decided to paint one single masterpiece, and he did so. But it had never gotten finished. Because what David had forgotten through his excitement for his painting is that he only had a week to paint it before it or he was gone, and he was shipped to the beginning again. After being sent back David had realized what had happened and he just decided to start again. This time trying to finish before his next revolution happened. David ended up succeeding but only a few hours early so he only had that much time to enjoy what he had created then it was gone again. Or he was gone again this time traveling stuff is tricky when it comes to terminology. Anyways, after David realized his art would just keep on disappearing he stop painting. He became angry and finally decided that if Samuel would not give him more time he would have to take it. Because he thought that everyone should have an equal amount of time. So he went about writing down formulas and time algorithms. But again just like his paintings, after his week was over he was sent back to the beginning of his time. So he tried to think of a more permanent canvas or parchment to write his equations on. It was a few days later and he finally devised his permanent canvas. It was his own skin. He decided to tattoo the plans down onto his skin so when he shifted back to the beginning of his time it would also. So with his work stay with him he could finally make some progress. So he did make progress and through the revolutions of his time he plotted to change his PTTB so he could gain more time. This was a simple task because not only investing his money into the exchange he invested his time as well. He had learned how the device worked. But since he knew how the device worked he knew this would be more then a simple matter. There where many calculations to take into consideration. Also coordinates to plot he didn’t want to end up time traveling into a wall. So David painstakingly made his calculations until 7 revolutions of his one week time period had passed. He was finally ready to open his PTTB and alter how it worked. Now of course rule number two of the “Exchange Time Travel” clause said “do not try to tamper with your PTTB.” But David did not listen to the rules because he did not think they applied to him. So when he opened his bracelet enforcers hired by the Exchange instantly came and confiscated his PTTB and brought him to the exchange head quarters. This had grown exponentially since the last time David had seen it. The building was three times the size it was before and apparently Samuel had put his own private mansion on top of the hill that was now right next to the headquarters. But the building itself was not the only thing that had changed about the exchange. Samuel talked to the government and he convinced them that since everyone is leaving the natural time that law enforcement on earth would no longer be needed so he convinced them that he should be the “Authority of Justice over Time and Space.” So now what ever Samuel said was law; and if you broke the law you were turned over to the Exchange. So after a long process of taking information, finger prints, and mug shots (the normal judicial stuff) David was finally thrown into a holding cell. It was like a jail cell only more advanced. It wasn’t that big of a cell. A cot hanging off the wall suspended by chains was what there was to sleep on. The bed was like those in normal jail cells. But the bars were harder and more dense then steel. Also this cell came with a specialized PTTB one that was under what was referred to as “ground hog day affect.” This PTTB made the person wearing it do only one thing. Live the same day over and over again. Well by now David felt all too familiar with this feeling having to frequently relive events in his life only now they were shorter. This made David more and angrier at Samuel every revolution he had lived. So revolutions went by and David had finally had enough. He committed himself to studying the routine of the guards that patrolled these cells. He would watch there every move. He would see what their schedule was; and when they would change shifts. There was no time in-between their shifts each time one would arrive and get settled then the other would leave. So he then started to experiment with different escape tactics. He became a master of faking insanity, heart attacks and a numerous other excuses. In attempts to get the guards to come near his cell. Also he became what would appear to be a mind reader; knowing every move that the guards would make. Making moves before the guards would. But try after try he would fail. He was able to do this because every time David would escape they would put him back into the prison cell. This is because only David had knowledge of his numerous previous attempts. But with every attempt he made he would get that much closer to Samuel. Whether it be learning another move a guard would make, or learning how to be more appealing to a desk worker David would always make progress his plan. Making his way past security defusing alarms and knocking out some personnel he finally got to Samuel. Samuel saw David and was less than shocked. He knew there was a possibility that David would escape. Samuel was calm and collective. He sat behind his large glass desk in his large steel chair in his large office room with behind him a large glass window. Everything in there was just like what was his now large ego. “Oh David I would say it is nice to see you but considering this means you broke out of my cell I am less than pleased” Samuel said. David replied “Well it wasn’t easy.” “Well we will have to fix whatever malfunction happened or fire whoever let you out. But you must be going now” Samuel continued “I do have time to manage here.” Samuel hit the call button on his desk then said “Mrs. Baxter please send someone to escort Mr. Harlem out of my office.” When no reply was heard he tried again. “Mrs. Baxter.” With this David pulled out a pistol that he had taken from one of the guards and said, “She won’t be answering that right now. I told her she could have the day off.” Of course Samuel seeing David holding a gun aimed towards him he began to panic. So he hit the panic button installed underneath his desk. It was supposed to set off an alarm but David knew about it. So he had taken care all of them before he went to meet Samuel. After realizing that no one would be coming Samuel tried to reason with David seeing that David still had a look of hatred toward him. David continued to stand there with the gun pointed towards Samuel. Seeing that David could not be swayed by Samuel’s reason he started to plead with him, saying that he would give him anything he wanted. More time, more money, even a partnership in the Exchange. David explained that he didn’t want any of it he only wanted equality for everyone (except for the money grubbing exchange). So with that he took off the PTTB on his arm and set it to not replay the last day. But he set it to replay only one random second of time. Also with that he set the coordinates of space to a randomized algorithm that he had devised when he was in his own time period. So he set in onto Samuels arm and instantly Samuel time traveled to only God knows where. David did this to the other two men who held more stock in the exchange then he did. Then he made an announcement over the P.A. system that went throughout the entire gigantic exchange building. “Employees of the Exchange I am your new boss David B. Harlem. Your previous employer could not conceive nor was he adequate enough to handle the stresses of managing time itself. So he resigned and left this fine company to me. Now I understand that this is a sudden change; and you may be questioning why I think I can do a better job then your good Mr. Samuel did. But trust me when I tell you that I will not fall to the same stress; because I will not have to deal with it. As of now everyone will be given their own time period with enough time to live out their entire life. The Exchange will here by close as soon as the last person has entered their time zone. Also we will be extending all already owned time periods to a full life time as well. So the sooner you get your work done the sooner you can start living the rest of your life. That will be all. I hope you all have a great rest of your lives.” With that David leaned back in the chair and smiled; and in a weeks time everyone’s time period was extended and the employees were about to send themselves into their own time periods. But before this happened David thought it would be fitting to have everyone listen to a final triumphant ballad of trumpets. This was to commemorate the abolishment of inequality. After that all the employees entered their time periods. Only David remained to bask in what he thought he had accomplished. Listening to the end of the ballad he then went through time using his old PTTB. The world sat empty and void of one of Gods greatest creations and they would never be seen again. Because what David didn’t realize is that the more time you spend in a different time period other then your original time the weaker you get. Time itself rejects you in your physical presence there and you begin to cease to exist. Now whenever you go through a revolution that restarts the process of time trying to reject you. That is how I am able to still be alive after the millions of seconds I have lived out of my time period. I would have warned him to if he didn’t send me through time so quickly. Yes I am Samuel Alistair. This is how I could recall all these events to you. The parts I didn’t know before I have either guessed at or saw bit and pieces of thanks to my current affliction. I have also seen many other things through my briefs seconds in time. I have been to many places and times. But nothing I can do or say now will make any difference. Hopefully soon my body will decay and I will die. But I will live throughout a normal lifespan. This is due to my incapability to move much. I have a second to react to what I see then I am shifted to somewhere else. This gives me little time to move. So my metabolism barley needs to function to keep me sustained, in this what feels like an eternal prison. I wish I had said something before. But it was my greed and lust for power that made me keep my mouth shut regarding the sickness. But it was because of this sickness that the three time travel rules had to be erected. Rule number one was because the only reason that anyone would die inside of their time period is because of time sickness. Therefore we couldn’t have them going back and trying to save their loved ones. Therefore they would become wise to the sickness and destroy my business. Rule number two was so no one would figure out how the PTTB worked so they could make their own version of it time travel back before I created mine and sell them on a black market of some sort or even erect their own “Exchange”. Rule number three was to keep people inside of their own time period. If people were to go to other peoples time period even by invitation it would create a society and I didn’t want this. This was because I didn’t want to actually govern a society. I wanted to just sit back and have the control of time and the people inside of it. I wanted to be a god and the first step I thought was to control time. My next thought came when I or I should say my future counterpart achieved the ability to time travel and he was warning me of the time sickness. “Sacrifices were made to other gods so sacrifices will be made for me.” It was this mentality that drove me. I created the Exchange I became more self confident in everything I did. I was the most powerful man on earth. But my absolute power corrupted absolutely. The second David sent me through time I felt my mortality hit me like a ton of bricks and now I feel a typhoon of remorse flowing through me. But I have had time to think in my countless brief seconds and irony has struck a chord in my mind. Like how lonely insignificant notes all come together to make a chord in music. First I realized that what turned out to be my enemy achieved a prophecy for what is now my greatest idol. In The book of Revelations in the Bible it is said that trumpets will sound before the end of the earth. But no one pictured it ending like it did. The second and probably most ironic thing I realized is how our different motives led to somewhat the same results. The only difference was the mass quantity that was affected by our actions. To put it simply it was my greed that led to the beginning of my end. But it was David’s urge for wanting everyone to be equal that was “The Beginning of the End.”

"Symbiote" by Brandon Klein

Michael got up out of bed and did his usual routine. Rinse face, brush teeth, and then eat breakfast. He had the usual breakfast 2 sausage links, 1 pancake, and three eggs. Then after he put his dishes in his empty dishwasher, he goes up and put the same black suit, white shirt, and black tie. He also gets his luggage. Oh and yeah, he is an astronaut. Today he is going to make history, the year is 2020. He is the captain of a new ship that can go 3 light-years a second. When Adams got to the briefing station the general filled him in on what’s going on, “Adams your crew consist of
Engineer Jaime Wilson tall beautiful, green eyes, brown flowing hair, 33 worked for NASA for 10 years,
Co-pilot Frankie James nickname, “stud muffin”, tall and slick 34, co-piloted 25 expeditions NASA employee for 11 years, and
Veteran astronaut Thomas Susco good problem solver 56, worked for NASA for 30 years, has general knowledge of every component of a space expedition.
This crew is the best in the whole world. The mission objective of this expedition is to explore the moon of Neptune called Triton. The world is decaying fast and we need a new source of elements, I know you can do it son!” exclaimed the general. This trip was a dream come true for everyone on this expedition, but especially for Michael Adams because when he was a kid he dreamed of exploring the stars. So after they were debriefed on what the objective was; they suited up and walked out in front of millions watching them walk through the hot dessert to the launch pad to climb up the stairs to the entrance in the shuttle. Before they entered they waved one more time to friends, family, and strangers the people that they are leaving behind to explore the “New Frontier”. So they all strap in ready for launch, when
Houston says, “You’re a go, ready on your command captain Adams.”
“Take Off” says Adams
Frankie James says, “STOP WAIT!!!”,
Adams exclaims, “WHAT IS IT FRANKIE?!?!”
“Forgot to put this in the CD player” Frankie said
Back in Black by AC/DC starts to play, “respect the classics my friend”
Houston says, “Are you a go?”
“Take off!!” Adams shouts with excitement
The shuttle shoots into space as if gravity was reversed. In about one minute they were on their way to Triton. As everyone settled down they started talking, all of them, trying to get to know one another. Before I go any further let me give you a tour of the shuttle. The front control room is a cone, the tip is facing out. There are all of these button sand levers scattered along the big control board, which is a good ten feet. There are four seats that have each of the names of the crew on the back side of the chairs. Everything is black, white and gray. Then you walk out of the control room and into a big hall way. There are 7 rooms in this hall way. 4 are the bedrooms for each of the crew. Then there is an entertainment room, bathroom, and shower room.
“So Jamie how does a girl like you, end up being a mechanic?” says James
“My dad was a mechanic”, she continued, “I didn’t have any brothers, so he taught me to be a mechanic/engineer. It kind of just came to me naturally. My mom was the working type my dad was retired so when ever he got the chance I would help him work on the car or fix the furnace or even help him fix his airplane. That is the only man I have ever trusted in my whole life. So don't try anything fruity guys! Ha-ha.”
“I don't think we can guarantee anything Ms. Wilson!” says James with a smirk on his face.
Mr. Susco says, “I think I can”, he continues, “I have been married for 30 years to the love of my life. So there is one guy off your avoid list” he says with a smile.
“What about you captain?” says James
“ I have issues with women, so you don't have to worry about me. Nothing personal I just have a bad past with their kind” Says Captain Adams
“OUR KIND! That is the way you see us as some type of animal! Why don’t you just go into your cockpit and stay there!” says wilson
“What part of, “nothing personal” do you not get? And if you don't want to be in MY presence then you can leave and go to your room” says Captain Adams
As she walks off all of the other crew members disapate and leave the lunch room empty except for the captain who tells himself what his dad told him years ago.
“Do you know why your mom my wife left us? She doesn’t love us Michael. Don't you get it she is gone. She wants nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with us! Swear to me that you will never make the same mistake I did which is messing with those devils called girls!” says his dad.
“I swear dad” says little Michael
“We will get through this together” says his dad with a smile
“Captain Adams” says his dad, “Captain Adams!” he exclaims
“Captain Adams” says James
“yes james what is it?” says Captain Adams
“We’re here!” says James
“where?” says Captain Adams
go and tell the rest of the crew
I already did sir
As they both walked into the cockpit he saw the moon and how magnificent it was. He had never seen anything like this except in space movies. Inside he was screaming like a little girl but he knew that this would be improper behavior for a captain.
“While I land the ship crew you can go and get suited up, looks like we are going element hunting.” Said Captain Adams
as he is landing the ship he day dreams just for a second
“Girls are from the DEVIL!!! Son don't get sucked in!!”
“Better land this thing before I day dream and crash”
As he traveled into the atmosphere of the moon he found that the gravity was pretty high so he had to be extra careful with landing the ship. As he touched down, though rough, found that he had just missed landing in a canyon. He puts the wheel locks on and goes to get suited up. As he is suiting up his crew is telling him what it is like with such phrases as magnificent, extraordinary, nothing like on earth, awe inspiring, and Wicked sweet!!! I think we can all guess who said the last phrase. Anyway, Captain Adams finally gets out there and his jaw drops. Right in front of them is a canyon much wider and deeper than the Grand Canyon.
“Hey Captain, check this out” James said
“What is it James?” said Captain Adams
“You see that glimmer of light reflecting at us?”
“Yeah I do that could be”
“Ice” they both say in unison
“Well crew we have our first objective” Captain Adams continues, “If everyone would look to the right of me you will see a shimmer of light. James and I have concluded that this may very well be a chunk of ice. Let’s move people. No samples, all we have authority to do is take pictures. Do you all understand?”
“Yes sir”
“Very good lets go”
“I don't think the captain realizes that we heard his whole conversation with James” exclaims Wilson, “or he thinks we are stupid”
“You do realize that I heard that as well, proving your point” said Captain Adams
Captain Adams said, “Lets all stay together crew, we know nothing about this moon.”
“Yes sir” they all say
as everyone is moving they all are still astounded by the somewhat earth like features of this moon, just bigger. Then they see the top of a mountain roll down the mountain a few miles away.
“Look!” exclaims James
Everyone just stares and feel the vibration of the crash under their feet. They all thought about how old the mountain would be to do that. All of the soil that they were walking on was grayish blue and the atmosphere was a dark blue as well.
After a few miles and a few hours of walking they were getting tired. The sun was becoming more and more hidden.
“hey Capt’n” said James
“Yeah James?” said Captain Adams
“We should probably set up camp, what do you think?” Said James
“Did you bring the tents Wilson?” said Adams
“No I left them in the ship, OF COURSE I brought them!!!” Wilson Exclaims
“Very well then, everyone get your tent from Wilson and we will continue tomorrow. Make sure you put on your gas to oxygen converter on. We wouldn’t want anybody suffocating now would we? Well mostly everyone.” Adams said sarcastically
“Who would that be? Wilson, do you know who?” James said
She says, “SHUT IT pretty boy, I could take you down in a second”
“Enough, we get up in approximately 8 hours, sleep well everyone 8 hours up here is equal to 4 hrs to us” said Adams
Captain Adams has some very close to home dreams.
“I’m telling you son be like me, forget about girls and live your life. They are a ball and chain, a ball and chain that kick you in the nuts whenever they get a chance!”
The night was quiet and mysterious. If any of the crew were hearing things and were afraid, they have good reason to be.
In the morning every one got back into their suits and started heading to the glimmer of light that is still there.
“We will be there in about 4 hours” says Captain Adams
“Why haven’t they made space jeeps?” said James
“Simple, they don't have anywhere to store them yet.” Said Wilson
“She is right James, the additional amount of force needed for us to transport a car would tear the shuttle apart.” States Adams
“Thank you Captain” she said with a smile
“Just supporting a fact” he said
As they keep on walking they see the shimmer of light getting closer and closer.
James gets his binoculars out and spots the source of the shimmering light. He spots something out of the ordinary.
“Captain Adams, take a look at this”
As he looks in it he is astounded by the sight
“It seems to be a geyser!” Captain Adams says
“Ok crew lets double time; we might have just discovered the first extraterrestrial geyser.”
As they are running toward the geyser they see a valley. This valley is filled with green vegetation. As they are running they all are in awe of the big valley of green that is right below the hill where the water geyser is.
“Looks like we have about an hour or two more of walking time.” Said Captain Adams
“I don't even care anymore; we just found green life and a water geyser. Never in my lifetime would I expect to be with you guys discovering a water geyser on Neptune’s moon!!” Said Thomas
As they came up to the opening of the extraterrestrial forest James spotted a peculiar plant was that quite intriguing. So he got his sample tube and stuffed the bud into the test tube. While he was doing this the words of the captain came into his mind at the beginning of mission on triton, “No samples please.” He just kept on thinking how rich he could be if he brought back a sample. What James didn’t know is that this was a life and death decision.
“What are you doing back there James? Come On!!!” said Captain Adams
“Sorry Captain just had to take a leak.” Said James
“Ok well Come ON!!!!”
As they keep on walking they clear the forest and come to the geyser. Everyone is amazed at the height of the water. The height was about 80 feel in the air. Captain james gets his camera out and goes to town with this camera.
“Hey captain, if would be nice if you didn’t give me a seizure with that flash thanks.” James said sarcastically
So while he was taking pictures Thomas Susco was telling a random story of how he took his family to the geysers on earth. No one was listening because they were just staring at this discovery.
“AHHHHHHH” said James with a cry
“What’s wrong?” said Wilson
“James what’s going on?” said Captain Adams
As he is still screaming in agony he started growing leafs and thorns on his arm. His skin was green and his suit was ripped off by pressure. When he got up he looked like a plant with leafs on his arms and legs and a bud on his chest that had teeth on it.
“Oh MY GOD!” Wilson exclaimed
“What the heck happened to you James?” asked Thom
“The real question is what is about to happen to you?” sneered Mutated James
As he said this the bud from his chest shot out grabbed Thom and pulled him back and punched his helmet as it flew off. The Symbiote takes the thorn at the top of his hand and stabs the veteran astronaut right through the chest. As Thom drops to the ground the creature is about to do the same thing to Wilson when all of a sudden Adams gets in front of Wilson and says, “Go to your grave you demon plant”. He whips out his plasma gun and shoots. The plasma hit him. He gets up from the blast and says, “you might have got one arm but remember I’m a plant I can grow a new one, this isn’t the last you have see of me.” He runs off down the hill.
“You saved my life Adams.”
“Your welcome.”
“Maybe women aren’t so bad. He would have damaged that suit that I have designed my whole life too.” He said smiling
“Why did he have to take Thom?”
“He was the weakest, that is why is was about to take you next. No offense.”
“Makes sense.”
“Ok so I think I have a plan for drawing James out or what ever mutated him.”
She whispers to him what she thinks is a good plan
“Not a bad idea lets do it.” Says Adams
They start cleaning up Thom’s suit so they can’t see the blood and stitch the hole. They take him out and start a fire. They both say their goodbyes
“For the time I knew you, you were a good man rest in peace.” Said Wilson
“You will not be forgotten my friend.” Said Adams
They get his suit set it up at the entrance of the forest so it looks like Adams is taking a leak. They wait, and they wait, and they wait. Until finally, they see a green person moving towards it.
“Its James!” says Wilson
“shhhhh, he might hear us” says Adams
“Sorry” she says smiling
As he is about to sniff it Adams shoots his stun gun. This gun is silent, so when he hit him he just dropped to the ground.
They go and check him out. When they get up close on of the limbs twitch.
“AHHHHHHH” says Wilson scared
“Its ok that’s normal for subjects of a stun gun.”
Then out of nowhere the creature shoots up and says, “Eat this”
He shoots all of his thorns out like a grenade was going off.
They dart behind the rock, head first.
They both look at each other and then look at them too see if any of the thorns hit them.
“Are you ok?” said Adams
“WE ALMOST JUST DIED!!!” exclaimed Wilson
Then he cradled her in his arms to comfort her and tell her it’s ok.
Then James comes to the rock and says, “Sorry to break you guys up but I think I will take the Captain for one sec.”
As the creature grabbed him by the chest and held him up to his face Adams said,
“Fight it James, you are stronger than this control The Symbiote. You can fight it; take a leak on this monster!!!”
All of a sudden the creature starts shaking. He gets on the ground with his hand on his head crying and screeching. Then all of the skin is ripped off like he was shedding. It all combines and slithers off into the jungle. James is still on the ground shaking and all slimy.
“JAMES!!! Are you ok?” says Captain Adams
“It was so weird, I couldn’t control my own body, and I could hear its thoughts. I don't know who I did it, I mean get it to get off of me like that.” Replied James
“Maybe it was too lazy to fight back to the cool guy.” Said Wilson
All was well with the three of them. They dug a spot for Thomas Susco to be buried on this planet. They got a rock and wrote, “Here lays Thomas Susco the father and husband everyone will miss dearly.” Then they put him and his suit in the hole.
“Goodbye friend.” Says Michael
“For the time I knew you, you were a very good man, rest well.” Wilson said with a smile
“Rest well old timer, your stories were the best.” Said James
As they all said their goodbyes they started on their 4 day trip back to the ship.
“Man I wish I had died back there this is torture.” Said James
“I think that would have been worse than this there Mr. Crazyplant.” Said Wilson humorously
“Yeah, I would have had you die back there too ha ha!” Exclaimed Captain Adams
“Apparently I wasn’t a good shot enough to kill you guys ha ha!” exclaimed James
“How did that thing get into your pocket anyway?” asked Captain Adams
“We were scrapping plants all the way to the geyser so how couldn’t it get into my pocket?”
“True, but why was there a broken test tube on the ground where you were transformed?”
“I don't know maybe it broke it while it was trying to get into me.”
“I don't believe you; you aren’t telling me the truth”
Adams grabs his chest and says, “I will ask you one more time, How Did That Thing Get into Your Pocket?!?” he asked firmly
“Ok, I will tell you but can it just be between us three?”
“I don't know lets find out.”
“I took a sample of a plant and the plant turned out to be a Symbiote.”
“Yes that is what I am telling you.”
“I am demoting you to the lowest status, and locking you in your room until further notice.” Said Captain Adams
“Don’t you think that is a little harsh Adams?” said Wilson
“No I don't, because of that little shenanigan that he just pulled one crew member is dead.” Said Captain Adams
“He didn’t mean too, let him be he has had a rough day like all of us.” Said Wilson
After thinking about it he decided to let him be and he said that we all were stressed and we couldn’t wait until they all got back home. As they reached the ship they all were relieved that this mission is over. As they all got back in the ship Wilson when to her room and fell onto her bed. James asked Captain Adams, “You still need a co-pilot?
“I don't know what I would do if you weren’t.” said Captain Adams
“Let’s do this then.” Said James
As they give various commands to get the ship started up and flying, they are still on the ground.
“The gravity is too dense we will never make it, oh god” exclaimed James
“What?” Replied Captain Adams
“…..cliff.” said James
“Just focus on getting this thing running we got this.” Said Adams
As they reach the cliff the boost isn’t enough. They go off the edge and start heading down into a valley.
“Come on baby you can do this.” Said Captain Adams
then a big burst of propulsion is blasted
“I can’t turn it up!!!!” said James
“Let’s both do it, GO”
As they worked together the ship skimmed the ground and started heading back up into space.
“That was way to close.” Said James
“That is also what being an astronaut means, good flying James.”
“Thanks Adams.” Said James
“Let’s go home.” Said Adams
“That’s a good idea” he said with a smile
As they went home that thing that was attached to James was still giving him nightmares. He could still hear its voice. He just kept telling himself that it was just a dream and that the shock will go away soon. Then he saw something slithering on the floor. He got up out of bed whit his plasma rifle. He follows the trail and keeps on following it for minutes. Until he sees that it leads into Wilson’s door. He kicks the door down thinking that Wilson is being taken over. Then he sees it. It was Wilson watching TV before she knocked her water onto the floor. This discovered two things, first Wilson gets mad when she is interrupted watching TV, and second the liquid trail matches the water that she spilled.
“What the heck Frankie, what’s going on?” exclaimed Wilson
“I thought….”
Interrupted by Adams, “what in the world is going on here?”
“I thought I saw…”
“You thought you saw what?” Asked Captain Adams
“I thought I saw the creature.” Said Frankie
“Oh well, sorry I didn’t even think about that.” Said Adams sadly
“Lets just go to bed I'm tired.” Suggested Wilson
“Me too.” Said James
That incident happened a few more times before they got home. Before they knew it though, they were landing on the strip in DC. As they all got out all they could see is flashing cameras, and strangers waving their hands at them. They got into the white house conference room to discuss their trip.
“Hello everyone I will take questions in once second but I have an announcement to make. During the mission there were tons of cliff and valleys, beautiful structures really. Well my friend Thomas Susco was looking over the edge to much and fell of the cliff into a valley. I am sorry to report this.” Said Captain Adams
There was men who went inside the ship to start collecting things and inspecting them. Then one cleaning guy heard a scream.
“Hey bill you ok?” said Gill the cleaning guy
He heard it come from the dark part of the ship. Then he hears a whoosh. He then sees a body being thrown at him. When it hits him they both go flying out of the cock pit window onto the concrete 40 feet down.
“Where is the third guy?”
As he said that the third guy came out of the window. By third guy I mean mutated plant third guy. He grabs the guard and says, “Well thank you for the warm welcome.” He shoots a thorn into his head getting some blood on him. “I just grew this root.”
Back at the conference,
“Yes I believe that the gravity was more on that planet. Next question?” said Captain Adams
Then, the doors came flying off of the hinges and smack a few people out of their seats.
“Hello people of earth…..i don't come in peace.”

"The Chronicles of Planet X" By Brandon Ehlers

The general’s all muttered words to each other as the man steps up to the podium. Looking at the man you would think he never sleeps, Droopy tired eyes, and face drained of color. He was wearing a white lab coat, and it was apparent he was doing something of importance. As he got to the podium he stared out across the rows of military personnel. He taps the microphone testing to see if the sound carried. He seemed to be a very nervous man, until he began to talk.
“Good Evening Gentlemen, I would like to bring to your attention a new type of technology. My name is Dr. Puranth” He said with confidence. He looked out among them once more before reaching down and hitting a concealed button. As he did so, a screen started to come down from the ceiling, lowering itself behind him. He hit another button and a picture of a very strange looking machine showed up.
“This is something I’ve been working on for years gentlemen-“ He said, as he was interrupted by a hand raise. He smiled for the first time and pointed at the man “Yes, sir?”
“What exactly is this machine supposed to do?” The recruit had asked.
“I was just about to get to that bu-“ He continued again, still being interrupted. “Yes?”
“Why don’t you just show us, Maybe we can believe whatever this is, if its shown to us.”
The scientist smiles once again at the thought, he waves his hand to another tall lanky man in a lab coat. The man walks out of an “Emergency Exit” door, and walks back in with 4 other people, rolling the large machine in. Dr. Puranth looked at the recruit and waved him up to the podium platform. “Come up here, and I’ll show you what it does” he said. The recruit walked up nervously and stepped up next to the machine. The Dr. motioned towards the machine saying “get in.”
The recruit stepped into the machine cautiously, as soon as he steps in, the door closes with a Swoosh. The Dr. said “You might feel a little shock for a very short amount of time.” The machine lit up in a large array of colors. In only 1 minute the door had opened and the recruit stepped out like nothing had happened. He looked at the dr. curiously, “I don’t feel any different?” he said confused.
The Dr. told him to stand aside and watch the machine. As he said this the general’s watched the machine with more curiosity than before. After 2 minutes have passed, the colored lights start up again and the door opens. An exact replica of the recruit steps out and stands there, not responding in any way. Everyone looked in amazement, not moving there eyes away for a second. Then out of nowhere a second replica steps out of the machine. 2 minutes later, a third replica steps out. Each one unresponsive, Staring blankly.
“Technically they are all brain dead. Their trainable, only to what you want them to know. They memorize what ever you teach them, they are like robots, without all the technical problems. They are Clones, something that has been developing since the early 2000’s. We have perfected this experiment, You could make each of these replica’s the perfect assassin. You could even train them to clean your house. Their all purpose, and they have no emotions. They are not made to feel anything.”
“So, how much is it to reproduce more of this machine?” asked one of the Generals.
“With the production of this machine alone, it was $20,000” He said with a sigh.
Each General stood up right away. Each one shouting, “I’ll take 3 of them!” ,“I’ll take 4!”, “I’ll take 10!” every request getting larger and larger. The doctor looked out with a grin as the numbers built up higher. He then continued his talk: “I should mention, there brains are very intellectual, since they have lack of emotions, they have more room to figure things out. If you handed one of these replica’s a sniper rifle, he could snipe a fly off your head from 100 yards away.”
“How long will it take to produce more?” asked another General.
“We have already produced thousands as a mass production test. In fact, we have a request, to sell them on the market to the whole United States.” Stated Dr Puranth
“Are you crazy? That plan doesn’t even sound like it could possibly work” said an annoyed general.
“No sir, this is the technological advance of 2012, it couldn’t possibly get better than this!” he exclaimed with confidence.

Pvt. Malone was driving down the street when he noticed a billboard with someone resembling him. He came to a slow stop, only to realize, the picture was of one of his clones. He was shocked to see this on a billboard. He scanned the billboard curiously looking for key words. He was shocked when he saw the phrase “Coming to a home near you.” He was confused, he believed the purpose of these clones were to make a stronger military. Now it would seem as if their being used as maids, and other jobs. He dialed a number into his dashboard as a blue hologram pops out. Dr. Puranth was staring at him from the hologram, shocked to see the Pvt. Calling him for any reason.
“What’s up with this billboard? You told me I was doing this to help out or military.” Pvt. Malone said coldly.
“Mr. Malone, we have sent over 2,000 of these clones to military bases all over. We kept our word and are expecting you to keep yours.” As the Doctor said this he couldn’t keep from grinning. “Pvt. You have power most people couldn’t imagine. Your little abilities go to the clones that come from you. Everything you’re capable of, the clones are as well. Imagine that for a minute, if we could really harness that power into each clone, we could be ready for any attack ever attempted.”
“Why would we even need it? We have made peace with Iraq, the Alcheida have been eliminated completely. No other countries show any sign of attack. What makes you think it’s a good idea to have those mutants around? The army almost didn’t let me in because of this; they were close to locking me away in a maximum security military lab. They would have experimented, dissected, anything they had to do to find out. They know what I’m capable of, but it is very dangerous to have 2,000 clones that can do the exact same thing. If the military finds-“ He was interrupted by an angered doctor.
“Do not question my theory! You know as well as the others in the program, I know what I’m doing. You know I have the deactivation switch ready if things go wrong, I had already thought about these things and planned ahead. If a single one steps out of line, and is defective. They all get deactivated and we start over. Simple as that and the military will NOT find out. Another thing is, if you think Alcheida gave up, then you are sadly mistaken. There are still soldiers over there.” The doctor said with a sneer.
Pvt. Malone hung up after this comment, knowing the conversation was over. He took one last look at the billboard, before leveling back to the speed limit. He drove for a another 30 minutes until pulling into a drive way. As he stepped out of the car he notices the bush on the end of his lawn shuffle. He takes another glance and there’s nothing wrong with it. He shrugs it off and walks to his door, casually fumbling for his keycard. He lays his key card on the tray, letting it be scanned. The door unlocked, and he reached for the door knob. “They can make a door unlock from a keycard but they can’t make it open up by itself” he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
He stepped into the house and looked around, being away at war he hadn’t seen his home for years. He always lived alone because that’s the way he liked it. As he walked down the hallway he heard a noise upstairs, he looked up cautiously noticing the direction. He drew his sidearm, and preceded up the stairs with caution. He got to the entrance of his attic as the noise died down. He opened the door slowly, and closed it again without making a sound. He went up the stairs still quiet, hearing whispering. He tightened his grip on the gun and continued going up.
He heard a noise again and snapped back around with his gun pointed. What he saw shocked him. There were 3 FBI agents rummaging through all of his belongings in the attic. He cleared his throat and cocked the gun. They all turned around in surprise reaching down for their side arms. The Pvt. Pointed the gun at each one of them “I don’t think so, hands away from the guns.” As he said this they reached their hands back a little bit. “Good. Now what are you doing here? I’ve done nothing wrong; you have no right to be in this home.”
“We do have a search warrant; therefore we do have the right to be on this property.” Said the Agent to the left. He stepped forward “We have belief that you were part of the L.S. Project. According to our source, you’re a very big conspirator to it as well. Do you have any words on that?”
Pvt. Malone was shocked at the statement. “I’ve never even heard of the L.S. Project. You must have the wrong person.” As he said this he mistakenly lowered his gun. At this, all three agents took the advantage to draw their guns. Pvt. Malone found it smarter to drop his gun at that point.
“We see that barcode tattoo on your wrist. That was an insignia of the L.S. Project. Not only that, but after reading your files, you don’t seem to remember anything. Last year, they made you take a psychological test. Any question asked about your family, you could not answer. According to this you never had a family.” The agent said this without any emotion at all.
Pvt. Malone, noticing the man’s face, looked at him puzzled. “Smith? Is that you?”

“I’m sorry sir; you seem to have me mixed up for someone else. I’m Agent 1, this is Agent 13, and that is Agent 7.” He said, still lacking any emotion. The Pvt. stared at them all in shock. He knew exactly who they were. They were three of the other soldiers on his Green Beret squad. As he stared at them, they all stared back blankly. All three of them are clones! He couldn’t believe it. He was supposed to be the only one on that team to be tested on.
He looked at them with disgust. He even hated the clowns of his, he had no idea he was being cloned. He thought they were making him better. Giving him the real truth about his life. The one they made him forget. He picked up his gun and put one bullet into each clone. Each one still staring blankly at him as if the bullets never left the gun. They have my ability he thought the clones of me were supposed to be the only ones with that much power. Is he harvesting my power? He unloaded the full clip into all three of them once again.
“Sir, what are you doing?” said Agent 1. He still stared at them in shock, wondering how they were still standing. He knew he had this ability, but they weren’t supposed to have it. He then pulled out a silver pen sized object. A parting gift from someone he doesn’t even remember. He remembers this man saying “If you’re ever in major trouble with these things, just hit this button.” Remembering this, he hit the button not knowing what would happen. All of a sudden all three clones went into a type of seizure. They fell to the ground and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He stood there, still shocked from what just happened.

Two soldiers were lying on their stomachs, eye to the scope of their rifles. Both of them pointing in the same direction. One turned to the other “Alright clone lets see what you’ve got. I’m going to put you through a little training warm-up before your big first mission.”
The clone nodded in agreement without saying a word. “Pull out your sidearm and shoot the first target.” At saying this the clone slung the rifle over his back and in a matter of seconds he had the pistol out of the holster and had shot the target right in the middle four times. “Impressive for a clone, now there’s a target 3 miles away. See if you can hit that.” The clone holstered his pistol once again, and pulled the rifle back into position. He fired off one shot and blew a 2 inch hole in his target. “Very impressive, I think your ready”
2 hours later and the clone is traveling in a small convoy of hummers. The hummers come to a sudden stop and jump out running into a building. They throw on gas masks and throw some tear gas into the window. The clone busts through the door without a gas mask and walks through the gas like its nothing. He walks in tactically with pistol in hand, while the room floods with American soldiers. Four of them stay in position in the first room, keeping those few guards down on the ground. The other 10 continued on into the next room.
They keep this up, but not leaving 2 soldiers in each room. Now with 6 left still going, they walk straight into the bunker of the enemy. About 30 men stood there, arming themselves with guns, getting ready for an attack. Without warning, one of the American soldiers opened fire on the enemy. The other soldiers following suit, and opening fire.

The clone ran into the middle of the room, shooting any soldier who looked like a threat. One soldier runs out of ammo and begins to reload, as he’s reloading he looks up to see the clone. The clone is shooting all the terrorists like he’s supposed to, but he’s smiling while doing it. The soldier doesn’t know what to think, and keeps to himself finishing off the bunker. After another 10 minutes they cleared out two more bunkers and called it a mission complete, they didn’t set off a single alarm amazingly.
As the soldiers split into two teams and got into the hummers, the clone and the small squad that took out the bunkers all stepped into the same vehicle. As the squad sat down and rested the soldier who noticed the clone decided to bring something up. “I noticed you smiling clone. From what I’ve heard you’re not supposed to have any emotions.” All of the other soldiers looked at him with a shocked look.
“I do not.” The clone answered back. Everyone stared at the clone, noticing this is the first time he has talked. He stared back at each one of them with a blank stare. “You know these blank stares they give are really starting to bug me. I really think we should just kill this thing. For all we know this thing could turn on us at any moment.” At these words the soldier shoots a bullet into the clone. The clone, like any other stared at him like it was nothing. The clone then pulled out his pistol and shot the soldier back, watching him die, smiling once again.
“You are smiling. It’s one thing to have emotion but to smile when your doing something like this?” The smallest soldier said. AT this the clone cocked his head to the side and pointed the gun at him. He unloaded the clip and killed every soldier in the hummer. He then climbed into the drivers seat and sped off of the trail and away from the other team.
“Dr. Puranth, a word.” commanded General Dewier. “I’d like to speak with you about a little incident we had on a mission. It turns out, one of your ‘experiments’ just killed 5 of my soldiers.” He said, while slamming a fist down on the table.
“Sir, I assure you, it’s just a defected clone, this has never happened before. They have never resorted to violence unless that is what they are trained to do. Seeing as how you did train him as a soldier he knows to kill and how to use weapons. He will keep going until he is deactivated. Without his barcode I cannot deactivate him.” Explained Dr. P.
“What is this barcode thing about anyways? I’ve heard about it, why do they have these barcodes tattooed on them?” questioned Dewier.
“Its part of the L.S. Project-” he was interrupted for the third time this week.
“Yea exactly, what is this L.S. Project? I want details, now, or that machine of yours is going to be destroyed, and your funding is getting cut off immediately.” hissed General Dewier.
“The L.S Project stands for ‘Last Resort’, which is exactly what it is. It is a mutant gathering facility. You would think that mutants were things you only see in movies. You would be sadly mistaken. Mutants all have different powers. Most of them not that useful, and others like our friend Mr. Lucas Malone, have immense power. The thing is, the mutants are not born with this power. They are given the power by us.” Explained Dr. Puranth.
“What do you mean given to them?” asked Dewier.
“Well the L.S. Project is two projects combined. We were testing out an unbalanced chemical. We were inventing it as a cleaning product” the Dr. said with a laugh, “but one of our engineers spilled it into another chemical. It caused a certain… reaction.”
“The explosion in the lab? That killed 12 people?” Dewier questioned curiously.
“Yes, the explosion was caused by this unbalanced mix. We thought of trying something. What if we had an American suicide bomber? A mission of yours goes bad, they don’t pass the mission, so instead of getting out, finish off the mission. Detonate them.” He said with a frown.
“That’s what you were planning? American Suicide Bombers! You should be arrested for such thinking.” He said sternly.
“It wasn’t my idea; it was my associate, Dr. Shinook. He thought it would be a good idea if we mixed it with their DNA, so the bomb could never fail. We brought in Lucas Malone. He was going home soon to his wife and kids. Little did he know they were killed in a bombing attack. So we made him think he never had a family. It worked and we started the project. When this chemical mixed with his DNA, something changed. The chemical, instead of being the chemically unbalanced bomb, became a highly powerful serum. The man had several gunshot wounds, which is why we tested him. He wasn’t going to live much longer. Miraculously, in only a few seconds, his gun wounds had close up, he got up off the table, with very aggressive behavior. After we had calmed him down, we got the new, stronger, DNA, and kept it in an incubator. The DNA had actually multiplied, so we used his DNA to create the clones. Which is also the reason these clones… all have his power.” He said awkwardly towards the end.
“They all have his power? You want to release these things among the general public? Are you crazy? They are being released this very moment, and your just telling me this now?”

CLONE WORKERS FOR SALE TODAY. OVER 2,000 IN STOCK. COME GET YOURS. Pvt. Malone read off of the shop window, Looking in he could see clones standing on shelves like they were dolls. Each standing emotionless as people picked them off the shelves. He kept watching as the numbers dwindled down slowly. It got down to about 100, in only 2 hours, a shipment truck came in with at least 500 more. Shipment trucks kept coming every few hours so no one got angry they didn’t get there’s.
As he drove down the street he saw clones of all shapes and sized doing yard work, and other things. He then noticed something he never expected. Their were children clones, of all things, posing as peoples kids. These people have fake children? How far are they going to take this cloning thing? He thought to himself.
He saw the joy on people’s faces as he kept watching. He drove away with disgust of the clones. As he did this he looked down at his tattoo. He thinks back to the L.S. Project, thinking about how quickly he healed. He was still trying to remember what happened to him before that. Everything before that project was so blurred, and almost gone.
He dialed up Dr. Puranth and his hologram pulled up once again. “What do you want this time?” the Dr asked with agitation.
“I need answers, and I need them quickly. I expect you to give me those answers. You know all about this L.S. Project and you need to explain it to me. I’m coming down to your lab, and you better be there when I show up!” after saying this, he hung up on Puranth.

Two security guards stepped forward with their hands held up in a signal for stop. Lucas slowed to a stop, and stepped out of his car. After doing so he walked right past the guards, each one of them running after him commanding him to stop. He turns around and faces them holding up two pistols, killing them both with one shot. He walked in through the building entrance casually, as guards came running out, with the alarm sounding. Lucas shot every guard as they came running out with perfect precision, hitting each one in a vital organ without so mach as a flick of the eyes.
He broke through the lab doors violently. He unloaded a clip into the alarm box, silencing it for the moment. He blasts through another door furiously, killing more guards, and the occasional lab worker. Until he finally got to the last room. He pointed both guns at Dr. Puranth as he stood their holding a vial. “Lucas, put down the guns boy.” He said
Lucas kept the guns pointed at him “Tell me everything. Now.” he said coldly.
“You’re acting different Mr. Malone. What is happening to you?” the doctor asked curiously.
“I’m sorry, you have me mistake for someone else. I’m assassin number 1.” said the clone of Lucas.
“You can’t be a clone. All of the Lucas clones have been trained in other fields. None of them were supposed to be trained as any assassin.” He said astonished.

“Well maybe you underestimated us. We are more than you think we are. We do feel, we do not follow your commands. We have the same mind as our original. We obey you to please you. Tell me something, what did you expect us clones to be? Obedient little slaves?” the clone said.
“This is impossible, your programmed different, you couldn’t possibly be capable of any of this.” the Dr. said still in shock.
“Programmed? We’re not robots, like you said. We’re clones, flesh and blood, living and breathing. You just made the mistake of making us invincible. Not a smart move ‘Sir’.” At these words he shot Dr. Puranth three times in the heart. He grinned to himself, walking back outside and getting back into his vehicle. A military grade tan Hummer.
As he pulls away the real Lucas pulls into the parking lot, looking at all the damage done. He jumps out of his car and runs inside with speed he’s never used before. He gets into the lab only to see Dr. Puranth dead on the floor. He ran to him and pulled him up, lightly slapping his face seeing if he has any traces of life. His eyes fluttered open barely, staring up at him. He grabbed his collar and pulled him down closer. “The clones … their… dangerous.” He said struggling. “Kill…them…do…something.” Lucas struggled to understand everything but he got the main message. The clones were bad news, just like he had thought all along.
After he left the lab he drove back into the city, only to see something that wasn’t there before. Most of the buildings were on fire, explosions everywhere. People were running and screaming. The clones were acting like crazed beasts. Their strength showing, as they overturned cars with their bare hands.

He called up a friend in the military and told him to call in any forces available. The military officials in every base were called into this one city, to get rid of these threats, when they noticed something. Some clones were escaping to other parts of America. They were doing more and more damage. The military were being slaughtered in every single city. These things were inhuman, obviously, and almost impossible to take down.
Lucas then remembers what his device did. He pulled it out and went back to the lab, hoping he could find someone there still alive. He hears noises coming from the incubator room, as he steps in he sees a lab worker crouching in the corner of the room. “Please don’t kill me!” he begged.
“I’m not here to kill anyone, I need your help with something.” He said kindly. They then walked into the lab as the lab worker fumbled nervously around the tables.
“Do you have any way to connect this technology” holding up his pen “and make it into ammo for a gun?” he asked. The scientist only nodded and grabbed the device. He spent 4 hours in the lab while Lucas sat there waiting. “Done!”
He came out of the room and waved him in. He pointed to a large machine he had seen before. “Is this … a missile system?” he said shocked. “Well to be more specific, it’s a Nuke… this has the power to cause a shockwave all across America. I noticed what you gave me was the clone DNA weakness. So I knew how to hook it up. Now its all up to you to hit the button. I must warn you though. This will not kill them. I didn’t have enough time, this will give you a few days to gather them up while their unconscious.”

Not needing any more explanation he held up his hand to the scientist and hit the button. Hearing the nuke fly up in a huge launching noise. As he looked up, the nuke flew with incredible speed, and arced at a very large height. It came down in Cleveland, Ohio, and spread in all directions, knocking out every clone around the radius.
The next few days were spent gather up the clones into loading ships. The ships were sent to a NASA space station, where all the clones were loaded onto several different rockets. As they were loaded on, the Supreme Court Judge of the United States Government stood at the front. “These clones have been counted with several acts of murder, vandalizing property, attacking law officials, and many other crimes. Their sentence, will be exiled for life into space, Their destination is not predetermined. They land wherever these ships take them.”
The launch began as one by one each rocket was sent off into space. Everyone cheered as these clones were taken away from them. They watched the rockets with awe, as they were to never be seen by them again. The clones were just waking up as the rockets ascended higher and higher. Among the viewers was a man sitting in his tan hummer, watching the ships go up with a smile on his face. He drove away without ever being noticed, and he kept it that way for years.
Two years later in the old cloning lab. “Dr. Puranth, we need you for a second.” A young man maybe in his twenties steps into the room wearing a white lab coat. He looks at the man standing near the telescope. “What is it?” he asked. “You might want to take a look at this sir.” With this said he stepped up to the telescope and looked into it. “What am I looking at?” he questioned curiously. “That would be planet X sir, zoom in to maximum magnitude.” He did as he was asked and stared in shock as a man stared back at him from Planet X. He muttered to himself. “What did you create father.”


Monday, May 10, 2010

The Dream By Lina Berger

“Good morning Max and happy 22nd birthday!” Mrs. Grey greed’s Max with a big smile on her face two seconds before he entered the kitchen.
“Wow mom I was trying to be as quiet as I can, how do you do that?” Max asks with a puzzle on his face. “I guess we all have our special talents” Mrs. Gray answered his question while putting her cup of coffee down on the table.
“Today is a big day, huh Max?”
“Yup, I’m ready”
“Max do you realize that this is not just a test?” Mrs. Grey looks at him and notice that he has a sad look on his face. “Yes mom I realize that. I realize that this is the NASA test”
“You don’t have to do this Max, it’s your birthday”
“Yes I do mom, we need the money. We need the money so we can eat and pay the bills” he said while pouring himself some coffee.
With tears on her eyes she adds “I don’t want to see you hurt or disappointed if you don’t pass it son”
Max walk’s across the kitchen and hug’s her “It wont happen. I promise.”
It was a beautiful spring day. The birds were singing and the soft breeze was making a gentle melody with the trees. “I can do this” Max thought “I can do this.” When he arrived to the NASA offices, he notices that there were a lot of people. Some were talking on their phones, some were reading and some were just standing. He looked down to the paper that he was holding and he read Room 4-B, he was in 4-A. He walks across the room, down the hall to the small 4-B room. He entered the classroom and notice that there were only thirty-five people. He was a fast counter. He took a sit far from the door seconds before a tall man with glasses entered the classroom.
“Good morning everyone I’m Mr. Thomson. Please get a pencil out and get ready to take the test.”…

“I can do this, I can do this” Sonia was thinking while Mr. Thomson was passing down the tests. She got her test and she look down at it…
Five hours later Sonia finally got out of the NASA offices. “God please help me, I need this job, and I need the money” While she was walking, she notice that someone or something was looking at her. She turned around and notices that a tall guy was staring at her. She gave him a bad look and turned away. “In five days is the day that I get my results, God please help me.” She thought.
Five days later at the NASA offices…
“Good morning everyone, my name is Dr. Johns and I’m a representative of the NASA Company. Here today on my hands I have the results of four new members of the NASA. This test doesn’t just showed the knowledge that you have about space, math, science and critical thinking. It showed who you are, what you like, your ability of thinking for yourself and your responsibility…”
“Gosh… I’m so nervous” thought Sonia.
“If I announce your name, please stand up. The following people stand up.”
“Oh God… I can’t do this, I’m so nervous.”Sonia was thinnking
“…Alex Rittman from the University of Africa.”
“Good for him” thought Sonia while biting her lower lip.
“…Jennifer Moore, from the University of California.”
“I’m jealous of her.” Thought Sonia while biting her nails.
“…Max Grey, from the University of Florida.”
“Oh God the last person; Please God let it be me” Prayed Sonia silently
“…and the last person is…Sonia Lopez, from the University of Colorado.”
“Yes!” said Sonia. She notices that she said it aloud after everyone in the room turned around and looked at her.
“Well at least someone is excited. Congratulations the four new members and I’ll see you in two days…”
Tears were falling down on Sonia’s face. Her face was pink and her eyes had a happy and excite shine.
“I can’t believe this.” She thought.
“Thank you God. Thank you.”

“I can’t believe this. I’m in. I’M IN!!” She thought over and over.
“I can’t wait. This so exciting and what a challenge, I like challenges.” She was saying to herself and smiling.
“I wish my mom was alive. She would be so proud of me. I worked hard to get here. I’m in. I’m in!” Alex thought.
“I can’t wait till I get to know my mates. I’m going to rock this party!” With a smile on his face Alex turned around and looked at his new mates.
“Well at least there are two girls.” He smiles even more.
“There is the blond one. She is cute, but she looks bossy. I think her name is Sonia or something like that. The brown headed one looks nice, but she looks stuck up. She might be rich, but she is cute too.” He thought and turned around before they notice him looking at them.
“…and a guy, he looks pretty cool. He looks like he is down to earth. I hope I’m not wrong. I hate guys that are mean and guys that think they know it all.”
Two days later….
“Good morning the four of you. I’m Dr. Johns, but I guess you guys know that. You guys are extremely lucky to be here today. I’m going to be your helper and teacher as long as you need me”. He said while sitting down on the chair next to Sonia. “I want to start with a little presentation!!!” He had a big smile while saying that. “Let’s begin with a simple introduction. I want each one of you to tell us about yourself. Let’s start with you.” He points at Jennifer.
“Ok” she said with a big smile “My name is Jennifer, but I go by Jenny. I’m from the University of California. I’m 19 years old and I love challenges. I guess that’s what got me here. I also love parties and having fun!” She finishes and sat down. “Sonia” said Mr. Johns.
“My name is Sonia I’m 20 years old. I’m from the University of Colorado. I believe that hard work is what got me here today. I like schedules and having everything organizes.” She finished
“Max” Mr. Johns said
“My name is Max. I’m 22 years old. My writing scholarship is what got me here. I like exercising and I’m helping out my mom, that’s why I’m living with her right now.” He finished very quickly and sat down.
“And Alex” said Mr. Johns
“I’m Alex and I’m 21 years old. I’m from the University of Africa. I love Science and that’s what got me here today. I also love music and dancing.” He smiled at Jenny and Sonia and sat down.
Next day at the NASA offices…
“Good morning everyone, I was reading through your profiles and I am pretty sure that you guys are ready for your first assignment.” Mr. Johns said “Like I said, your first assignment is coming up!” Mr. Johns said excitedly
He sat down and began saying “The assignment is very simple. We discover a new planet. Its name is Selcouth. We are going to send you to investigate the planet and your mission is to observe everything about this planet. If the planet has atmosphere, we want to know about that. Any plants or signs of life, then you guys are going to return to earth and report your observation.” Mr. Johns got up from his chair “You guys are leaving in three weeks.” He said while walking towards the door.
Three weeks later…
“I cannot believe that I’m doing this!” Thought Jenny
“Remember that your job is very simple guys. Here is a list of the questions that you guys need to answer while you’re up there.” Mr. Johns said
The sign was giving to everyone to get ready. Max, Sonia, Alex and Jenny finished putting their gear on and began walking towards the rocket. They were very excited and very, very nervous.
“Everything is going to be just fine guys” the words of Mr. Johns were in their minds.
The four of them entered the rocket and everything the saw they said the name in their mind.
“This is it guys!” Jenny said with a big smile on her face
“Let’s get ready to launch this rocket guys” said Max very seriously
Sonia checked that everything in order, Alex began to do the math on his head of how many seconds they have before launching and how many days before they should be back on earth. Jenny was happily checking the bedrooms and food supplies; she was supposed to be helping Alex or Sonia.
“On three guys” Jenny heard Max saying
“One….Two….Three” Max counted loudly.
Max. Sonia and Alex saw the smoke raising outside of the rocket. They vibrated for a few minutes and then the rocket began to move up towards the sky. They watched the people get smaller, the country get smaller, and finally Earth getting smaller.
“Good bye earth, we’ll be back soon…” Alex said
Jenny was looking out the window and she notice that it wasn’t day light anymore. Everything was cover with darkness.
She remembered when she used to look at the sky and watch the little stars for a long period of time. Those little stars were now big. They didn’t look like normal stars.
She finished looking at the rest of the bedrooms and finally she went to the main room where Max, Sonia and Jenny were.
She entered the room skipping
“So… how long before we get there Max?” She asked him
“Three days Jenny” Max answered her with out looking at her.
“Why are we so quiet and blue?” Jenny asked looking at each person for a second. “Isn’t this supposed to be fun?”
“Yes Jenny this is supposed to be fun, but we also need to concentrate and be very careful. This is our first assignment and we need to do everything right.” Sonia said “If you want to have some fun, we can put that on our schedule.” Sonia said smiling at Jenny
“Schedule? I didn’t know we have a schedule!” Jenny said with a high pitch voice.
“What schedule?” Asked Max
“We have a schedule?” Alex said very low, almost as a whisper
Finally Sonia explains “I was thinking that if we have a schedule, things would go a lot more smoothly. We would know what to do and there wouldn’t be any surprises. That’s why I wrote a schedule for us”
“A schedule… My God she is very smart” Max thought
“I personally don’t like schedules” Jenny said quickly
“Why don’t we try it before we make any judgments? Let’s try it for two days” Said Alex
“That sounds great!” Said Sonia with a big smile…

“Dinner time everyone!” Sonia yells from the kitchen
“What’s for dinner?” Asked Alex
“Mac & cheese” said Sonia
“Dinner? It’s only 6 o’clock! We are not going to eat diner at 6 o’clock right? Or are we?” Jenny said flatly
“It’s in the schedule” Sonia answered with a smile
“Where is Max?” Sonia asked
“He is in the main room” Alex said, not looking at Sonia
“He is been there the whole time” Jenny said while looking for a fork
“I’ll go and get him. You guys can start eating” Sonia said while walking out of the kitchen…

“Max?” Sonia said
“I’m not really that hungry Sonia”
“Max I think you should take a break from this, everything is going to be fine.”
Max looks up and smiles at Sonia, she looks away quickly before Max notice that her cheeks were blushing…

“I hope everything is ok with Max and Sonia” Jenny said looking at her plate full of Mac & Cheese
“Why do you say that?” Alex asked
“I just have this feeling. I have a feeling that is telling me that something is going to go wrong”
“Everything is going to be fine Jenny, you’ll see”
“Yeah you are right, maybe it’s just me. May be I’m just very excited and nervous” Jenny said while picking up a spoon full from her plate
“How is the Mac & Cheese?” Sonia asked while walking towards the table
“Where is Max?” Alex asked looking up at Sonia
“He will be here in a minute” Said Sonia
“Why are your cheeks so red Sonia?” Asked Jenny
“My cheeks are not red Jenny. I don’t know what you are talking about” Sonia said trying to hide her smile. Jenny and Alex looked at each other and smile; they were thinking the same thing.
After Max sat down to eat, there wasn’t a big conversation going on. Jenny was the one to say random things that were in her mind. Jenny and Alex finished the dishes and clean everything from dinner. The dishes were only plastic spoons and plastic cups. Alex and Jenny were cleaning the table together when they accidently bump their hands together. Alex was already looking at her when Jenny looked up and smiled shyly.

“Jenny, Alex, Sonia please come here. Quick!” Max yells with a worry tone on his voice
“What’s wrong Max?” Sonia asked as soon as she entered the main room
“Alex how many days before we get to the new planet?”
“Three days Max. What is going on Max?” Alex answered
“We are there” that was the only thing that Max could say
“Huh?” Jenny said
“We are there? What do you mean by ‘we are there’?” Sonia asked
“I’m looking at the map and I’m checking the math. Everything says that this is the planet” Max pointed at the green and blue planet that was showing on the big screen.
Jenny, Sonia and Alex just stared at the planet. Many thought were going trough their heads, but they couldn’t speak.
Finally Jenny said “Well at least we are going to get the job quicker” but everyone could hear the fear on Jenny’s voice.
“This is happening too fast” Sonia thought
“Well I guess we should land soon” Max said very slowly
“I never said this out loud, but I think I’m a little scared” Jenny whispered to Alex
“I think we should wait until tomorrow to go down there. We should prepare ourselves for whatever is out there” Alex said
“I agree” Sonia said quickly
“Me too” Jenny said while biting her fingernail
“Ok. That’s a good idea” said Max
They walked silently towards their bedroom. No one could sleep. Their minds were wondering about the strange planet…

The alarm o’clock went off around 5:30am, after the first two beeps everyone was up. They put warm clothing on and they got their space suits on too. It was eight o’clock when they realize that everything was ready. They walk silently to the main room, where they could see the planet. They looked at it for a long period of time.
“Everything is going to be fine” Sonia said
They stepped out of the rocket and the first thing they notice about this planet was the yellowish greenish grass. They saw some kind of mouse with big ears and six legs running away from them quickly. Jenny took a step forward and turned around so she was facing her mates. She said “This is very weird; there is some kind of life in this planet. That means that means that there is oxygen, right?” She didn’t wait for their response.
“Jenny, what are you thinking?” asked Alex
Jenny took her hands and put them on her helmet. She took it off. She could breath without it.
The other followed her example and they could breathe too.
When they turn around to face the ship, they notice that something was staring at them. They were not sure what it was, but it looked like a big teddy bear with human hands, feet, and face. It also had two little eyes. Sonia, Jenny, Max and Alex turned around and they notice that they were surrounded by this strange kind of teddy bears.
Jenny said shyly to the bears “hi”, but the bears began running. They took their hands and tied them up. They took them to what it seems to be a house made out of some shiny rock. When Max woke up, he noticed that the strange kind of teddy bears were gone. He woke the rest of his mates up and they planed an escape. They walked away as quickly as they could, but there was one teddy bear that heard them. He saw that the prisoners were escaping, so he made a high pitch noise that makes all the teddy bears up.
The teddy bears began running, but they couldn’t catch them. Sonia, Jenny, Alex and Max reached the ship and they got in
“What are we going to do?” Sonia asked
“We are going home. I have a feeling that those creatures are not friendly” Said Alex
“I’m really scared. Let’s go back to Earth and we can tell them why we couldn’t stay longer in this place” Jenny said
“I don’t think that the NASA people are going to be very happy with us when we tell them that we couldn’t finish the task” Max said
“We can’t stay here!” Jenny said. She had tears on her eyes “I don’t want to die” she said
“We are not going to die Jenny” Alex said and hugged her
Sonia looked outside the window and saw that the teddy bears were outside the ship.
“They still outside and they look really angry” Sonia said
“We need to go home now” Alex said
“Ok hold on. We are going home.” Max said. He sat on his chair and began to prepare the ship to leave. But some thing was not right.
“The ship is not starting” Max said “The ship won’t start” Max was getting frustrated and scared.
“What do you mean? We need to go home now!” Sonia said
Sonia looked out the window again and she saw that the teddy bears were gone
“They are gone, I don’t see them anymore.” She said
“I don’t wan to go out there” Alex said
“Ok I don’t know what is going on, but the ship is not starting” Max said with frustration on his voice.
“This not happening, I can’t believe that we are stuck in this horrible place” Jenny said.
“What are we going to do?” Alex asked Max.
“The engines are not working, and there is gasoline in the tanks, but they are not starting.” Alex said “I checked every thing and everything it seems to be in shape. Everything should be working”
That night they didn’t sleep very well. They were worry, very worry…
“Good morning everyone” Jenny said. “I was thinking last night about something”
“I couldn’t sleep last night” said Max “I am very worry. Everything on the ship is working, but it won’t start.”
“What if we go out there and talk to those things?” Jenny asked “We could make a deal and they maybe could help us figure out what is wrong with the ship”
“I don’t think they want us out here. I don’t think they look or they act friendly” Sonia said
“May be they are just scared of us, like we are scared of them. I think we should go out there and talk to them.” Jenny said
“Well what if things don’t turned out like you think” said Sonia
“But what if they do, we don’t know what is going to happen until we try, plus I don’t want to stay here forever” Jenny said
“Ok you two stop arguing. We are going to go out there. We don’t know if those creatures speak English, but we can try talking to them. We all need to stay close and very alert. Ok? That means staying focus on what we are doing. Ok everyone?” said Max
“Ok” said Alex
“Fine” said Sonia
“Great” smile Jenny
They put their gear on again, but not the hats since they know they can breathe out there. They were nervous, but they had faith that those little monstrous would help them. They got out of the ship, but there weren’t any teddy bears on sight. They walk and walk until they found what it seems to be a little town. No one was out. They saw something or some one moving inside of a little shop. They knock on the door, but the door was open.
“Hello?” said Max
“Any one here?” said Alex
“What do you want?” one teddy bear appeared on the door
“We-we need some help” Jenny said. She couldn’t believe that they actually speak English.
“Oh yeah- you need some help?” said the teddy bear
“Yes please” smiled Jenny. She notice that the teddy bear didn’t sound very friendly
“Well we need some help too” said the teddy bear “We are hungry”
“We have some-“but she couldn’t finish the sentence. The teddy bear made that high pitch noise again and he looked at them with hungry yes “You are going to be our dinner” he yell and began running towards them.
Teddy bears were coming out of many different places. Some were coming out of the ground, rocks, houses, and shops. They all looked hungry.
“Where are you going to go, didn’t you say that you need our help?” Yell one of the teddy bears. He laughed and kept running.
“Run guys, we need to get to the ship before they eat us” Said Sonia
“Oh my God, please help us” Jenny preyed
“This is not happening” Alex thought
Alex, Jenny, Max and Sonia kept running but the teddy bears run to fast and they caught up with them. One of the teddy bears grabbed Alex by the leg and began to bite it. The other teddy bears quickly caught up with Jenny and Sonia. They also began eating them alive. Them it was Max’s turn he screamed for help, but no one came…

“Max? Max wake up!” Mrs. Grey screamed
“Max it was just a dream” She kept trying to wake him up
Max sat down on his bed and his sweaty head began hurting. His heart was beating too hard and he was shaking.
“It was just a dream Max, relax please” Mrs. Grey was saying “Go back to sleep, It was just a dream. You need all your energy for that NASA test you have tomorrow.” She said.
Max turned to look at her quickly, but she was walking towards the door. Before she turned the light off she said “Oh! And happy 22nd birthday…”

Friday, May 7, 2010

Life in Cyber Matrix by Lawrence Kimble

It was a new day in Cyber City, year 2132. The sun was shining, and puffy white clouds danced across the morning sky as I looked on from the window. Technology had advanced by leaps and bounds changing how we work and communicate. Society of past years had yielded for a new “cyber society” as we call it. We use computers for so many things that it was only natural that things would eventually change.
I was locking the door to my apartment, getting ready to go out to work, when next door I noticed a short girl with long dark hair seemed to have lost something. “Something wrong Michelle?” I asked. “Oh! Lawrence, I seemed to have misplaced my I.D.” she answered sadly. “You mean the one by your foot?” I asked. “Ah! I must’ve dropped it, thanks” she said with a smile. “You can’t do anything without your cyber I.D. card these days.” “Tell me about it. I better get going before I’m late for work.” I said. “Ok bye.” She answered back.
It wasn’t far from my apartment to my job. It wasn’t much, just being a network technician at a local office building. I couldn’t complain, the people there are nice and it paid well. My dream was to be a network administrator for NetTech, the best computer technology company around. I was approaching the office as I thought about how that future would play out. I was now walking in the door when I noticed Sarah, the receptionist was looking confused. She noticed I had walked in and called me over. “Some weird pop-up appeared and I can’t get rid of it. And see this little counter?” she said. I had now and time was up. The computer had started to overheat. “Get back!” I yelled. She had dived behind another desk in time to avoid the sparks flying from the computer causing a fire. Amid the chaos a shady looking person dressed in a black overcoat and a low brimmed hat started to walk away. “Hold it!” I ordered but instead he ran away. I immediately followed. He was fast but not fast enough to get away from me. He realized it too and dropped what looked like small pebbles but were in reality small smoke grenades which were now spewing smoke all over the street. I picked up a small rock and threw it, knowing I had only one shot to hit him. I heard a restrained grunt of pain but by the time the smoke cleared, the fugitive was gone. I looked around but there was no sign of him. I then looked to the ground and noticed a small computer disc, and a strange card. I had picked them up while keeping my guard up. Nothing happened, so I walked back to the office where an emergency crew was now arriving. As I walked the same thoughts kept cycling through my mind, “who was that guy and what was he up to?”
I gave my statement to the police and was checked out by the paramedics. I was fine and Sarah would be too after her treatment for minor smoke inhalation. “Lawrence are you ok?” a tall middle aged man with glasses asked. “Yes Mr. Wilson, I’m perfectly fine.” I answered. “I just wonder why that guy did this.” “I’m worried about that too, there’s going to be an investigation and there won’t be any access to our network so you can go home and take the rest of the day off.” He said. “Ok, I’m available by phone if anyone needs me.” I said.
I checked the mail as I got home when Michelle stopped me. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” she asked. “Nope, there was an accident so I got the day off.” I answered. “Is everyone ok? Did anyone get hurt?” She asked. “The receptionist had some smoke inhalation but other than that, everyone’s fine.” I explained. “I just hope it wasn’t any net criminals that planned that attack.” Michelle said solemnly. “Me too.” I said.
Later that day Mr. Wilson called me to say that the investigation was continuing and all work was being stopped for awhile. So I had more time off and not much to do with it. I pondered what to do when a knock at the door caught my attention. I opened the door and there was Michelle. “I heard you won’t be at work for a few days.” She said. “Yeah, how did you know?” I asked. “It’s on the news. “It’s the biggest thing going on right now apparently.” She answered. “I figured if you’re not doing anything, why not come help me at my job?” “You never told me what you do for a living” I responded. “I work at the police station, keeping the computer systems running. My co-worker had to move out of town, so I don’t have anyone to help me out. What do you think?” Michelle asked. “Sure.” I said. “That’s great!” She said with a smile. “I’ll call my boss and let him know. We should celebrate!” “How about lunch downtown?” I offered. “That’s perfect! Let’s meet at the new place that just opened up. Is an hour enough time to get ready?” “Yeah, see you in hour.” I said. What I didn’t notice as Michelle left was the huge smile on her face as I was leaving.
Downtown Cyber city is vast, would take hours to see all the sights. I had to stop at the bank to be sure I could pay for lunch. Despite all the changes since the late 2060’s many things had changed, but some things haven’t, like traditional banking. There were still lines and human tellers behind the desks to handle transactions. I was waiting in line when a teller seemed to be having trouble with a computer. She asked for assistance from her manager who seemed perplexed by the error. The computer then started operating on its own! “It’s moving the money from all the accounts!” The teller was panicking, unable to override the system or shut it down. “It’s all gone!” The computer started to overheat and spark. I couldn’t believe this was happening again, yet it was. At least this time someone had the foresight of getting a fire extinguisher before the fire got too bad. The sprinkler system didn’t even have time to activate. As for the money it was gone and no suspicious people to follow this time. They’re getting smarter. The police had arrived and got right to work taking statements and evidence. The bad news is that the money is gone and the bank couldn’t operate. Michelle had showed up now wondering what was going on. “This is definitely going to be the headline on the news.” She said after I explained what happened. “At least no one got hurt. And I talked to my boss. He said you can start tomorrow.” “That’s great.” I said.

The next day I went with Michelle to the police station. I had no trouble with training, if anything I seemed to overqualified for the job which worried me. “Michelle, this system seems outdated.” I had mentioned after she showed me what I had to do. “You can’t be serious.” She replied, genuinely shocked. “I am. I’ve worked with more efficient systems than this. I could upgrade it.” I said solemnly. “I’d have to talk to the boss first.” During my lunch break Michelle had gone to talk to her boss about the system upgrade. I was eating lunch in the break room when I heard a commotion in the hallway. I looked out there and noticed two cops struggling to restrain a guy who was average height, very strong, and at the moment had a terrible attitude. “Stop struggling!” a cop commanded. Eventually the guy was wrestled to the ground and handcuffed. The cops then hauled him away. “First time you saw someone get arrested isn’t it?” someone asked from behind me. I jumped because I wasn’t aware anyone was behind me. I turned to reply and realized Michelle had snuck up behind me. “Don’t do that.” I answered. Sorry.” She said. “I talked to the boss. He wants you to upgrade the system tomorrow.” “Ok. We’ll keep the current system going while I get the new system programmed. Then we’ll switch the new network to primary status so I can upgrade the old system into a new and more efficient back up system.” I planned out loud. “Sounds like a plan.” Michelle answered. The rest of the day went smoothly, basically preparing for the busier days to come. It may be common, but it was still time consuming to build high powered networks and security systems.
On the walk home, I passed a small store. Inside the cashier seemed nervous about a strange looking person, dressed in all black with a wide brimmed hat, worn low, the same person who attacked the office building just a few days ago. I immediately walked in without a single thought. He hadn’t noticed me. Or the cashier who looked tempted to hit the silent alarm. I crept closer to the arsonist. I was now ten feet away when the guy became aware of a presence near him. He whirled around and saw me and my accusing stare. “You!” He yelled with anger and fear. He bolted towards the door and threw another smoke grenade just like last time he attacked me. This time I was prepared and kicked the smoke grenade back at the assailant who clearly wasn’t prepared. He panicked and was victim of his own weapon. He had been reduced to hacking and coughing while barely being able to stand.
The police were now arriving and I assumed the cashier from the store had played it safe and hit the alarm. They were now arresting the criminal and taking a statement from me. What none of us were expecting was a news van which was now approaching us. As fast as they arrived, they were turned away even faster by the sergeant. I was given a ride home and the criminal was on his way to interrogation and a jail cell. Michelle was waiting for me in the hallway when I got to my apartment door. “What were you thinking?” she exclaimed, clearly furious with me about something, question was, “What?” “You risked getting hurt chasing that guy! You should’ve called the police. You’re so reckless!” She stormed off radiating anger. I decided to let her cool off and went into my apartment. I noticed I had a message on my answering machine. It was from the police department asking me to come to the station. “Doesn’t look like I’ll be getting any rest tonight.” I muttered to myself.
Once again I was stopped in the hallway. “Where are you going now?” Michelle demanded to know. “Out.” I answered shortly. “Don’t be coy with me. You’re going to the station aren’t you?” she asked. “What if I am?” I asked. “I’m coming with you.” She decided. I decided not to argue, it was a waste of time.
At the station the sergeant from earlier was waiting. “I’m sorry to bother you this late but this is urgent.” “What’s wrong and why do you need me?” I asked. “I’ll answer as many questions as I can, but first let’s move this matter into the meeting room. We walked down a few hallways further into the station. After being seated, I noticed that more people were joining us. A lab tech was here as well as a cop who was keeping an eye on the guy at the end of the table who looked familiar. “Lawrence, isn’t that the guy you saw earlier?” Michelle whispered to me. I looked again and realized she was right. “What’s he doing here?” I whispered back. Michelle shrugged so I guess we had more questions to be answered. “Excuse me, I need your attention.” The sergeant was finally ready to start whatever this was. “I’m sure you all have questions on why you’ve been called here. I assure you, you’re questions will be answered. Before I continue, I will say that what I am about to share with you is classified and must not be discussed to anyone in the general public. Do you understand and agree to comply?” the sergeant looked at all of us. We all agreed, the mystery guy from earlier looked reluctant to agree and I didn’t blame him. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a part of this myself. “We have discovered that the person responsible for the recent net crimes is part of a mysterious syndicate. So far we know nothing about them including their leader, motive, or why they formed.” “So what does this have to do with us?” I asked. “The criminal you caught is part of this syndicate. We’re trying to get him to talk about it.” The sergeant said. “I’m guessing you’re not having much luck.” The mystery guy asked who doesn’t seem too happy to be here. “That was obvious Jason.” The sergeant snapped. “I asked you here to help.” Michelle finally spoke up, “What could we do that you can’t?” “We don’t have the computer skills that you and Lawrence have, or the connections on the street that Jason has. You three are vital to our plan to find out what this syndicate is up to.” The sergeant replied. “And why should I help you?” Jason asked somewhat hostile now. “Calm down, I will speak to you after this meeting. Lawrence, Michelle, I need you two to help improve computer systems in all of the government offices in the city.” “I could help but isn’t that a lot of systems?” I asked. “Yeah it is a lot of work for two people.” Michelle added. “I know it’s a large task but you won’t be alone. You will be teaching advanced skills to the head techs at these offices.” The sergeant answered. “Will you help us?” “Ok.” I complied. “Guess I’ll help too.” Michelle agreed. “Thank you. We’ll need you to start right away.” We agreed to it.
On the walk home Michelle and I were going our now packed schedules. I was to go to my old office building, and Michelle was starting out at the police station. It was like this drama never started. I wondered how everyone at my old job was doing. I hadn’t talked to them since the attack. I was going to find out first thing tomorrow.
The next day had brought an impossibly nice day, ironic since I had to prepare people for a possible internet apocalypse. Outside, Michelle seemed just as tense as I was. “Michelle?” I called. She turned, looking pale. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “I’m just nervous.” She said. “All of this is seems so unreal. I mean, rogue thugs are attacking networks all over, they’re getting brazen and it looks like we’re the only two people with the skills to stop them.” She answered. I looked her in the eye, “We not alone. That’s why we’re preparing everyone. That way the others can defend themselves and can back us up if we need it.” This seemed to help Michelle to calm down a bit. “Thanks Lawrence. I needed a good pep talk like that.” “Sure, but we have to get going if we don’t want to be late, which won’t make a good impression.” I said. We walked off in our own directions. I made a mental note to keep an eye on Michelle. She always tries to be strong when necessary but she’s not as strong as I am. I couldn’t dwell on this now, I had to focus.
It turns out Sarah the receptionist had filed for a transfer and a vacation after the attack. Mr. Wilson was still here and was glad to see me. After we caught up on current events in the office, I had set up my training session in the conference room.